Rules and Regulations Review Committee Meeting


Date:  April 12, 2004


Item:  III.C. – Develop Recommendation on Draft Ordinance No. 116 – Carmel River Advisory Committee Member Terms



Summary:  On April 19, 2004, the Board will consider adoption of the first reading version of Ordinance No. 116 an Ordinance of the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Amending Rule 120 To Modify Terms of Office for the Carmel River Advisory Committee.   Attachment III.C.1. is the staff note prepared for the April 19, 2004 public hearing on the draft ordinance.  The Board will require a recommendation from the Rules and Regulations Review Committee regarding adoption of Ordinance No. 116.


Recommendation:  Review Attachment III.C.1., discuss the ordinance, and develop a recommendation for Board consideration on April 19, 2004.

